Friday, April 4, 2014

Six Months

Tomorrow will mark Zaydi's half birthday! 6 months old. I cant believe it. My life has changed so much these past 6 months. She has been the biggest blessing to our lives. A little miracle.

Some facts about Zaydi:

She now sits up by herself.

She can eat anything we eat (in a form that can easily be swallowed) Some of her favorite foods are:
  • Bananas
  • Peaches
  • Carrots (But I don't like her eating them because they stain everything!)
  • Squash
  • Ice cream...of course
Its been so fun letting her try new things. She likes most everything she tries which I am so happy about. (takes after her mama)

She still struggles at night. We get really good nights, then really bad nights. Don't know how to help this. We are now trying to wean her from her swaddle. Its been rough.

She loves her dad but is definitely a mama's girl. I need to leave her with other people more often so she can get used to others. She sometimes has stranger danger.

She rolls everywhere. She can scoot backwards. No sign of crawling forward yet. 

Anything around her, automatically becomes hers. Even the dogs tails....

She LOVES her dogs. Which is so good because they are constantly around her, licking her and trying to play with her. She loves it when they bark... she finds that hilarious for some reason.

She doesn't like when she can't see what is going on. She always wants to be able to look around and see things. She is a very curious baby. I love that but I can see how tiring this will make me when she is fully mobile.

She shakes her head really fast when she is excited. When she does this, she stops to look at us, if we laugh or do it back to her, she will usually do it back to us. She thinks she is funny.

Now onto what has changed the most in my life...

My relationship with  God. Everyday I wake up seeing her face, I thank God that she is here. It was a journey getting her here but I would do it all again for her. I pray everyday that she will be safe. My prayers have become more meaningful which in return has strengthened me.

I have learned that I am able to do things that I didn't know I could do.  I have learned to run on fumes with the lack of sleep. I have learned that I am able to get a lot of things done in a day. I have learned that my selfish wants cant exist anymore. I have learned that taking care of myself is key to taking care of my family. I have learned that I am stronger then I thought. I spend a lot of time alone with her and its hard on me at times, but I manage and get through each day. I have learned that I am most grateful for the help of my family, especially Chase. I have learned that the power of fasting and prayer are more real then I ever imagined.

She is my world. My life.

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